Technology, new contact lenses

In the past there were people that lived without internet. Who can that be possible? Is a question that many teenagers ask to their selfs, when they hear that phrase. 50 years before people cant play on a tablet, they dont even knew what a tablet is, 50 years before they have TV but all images were proyected in black and white, 50 years before people for doing homework had to go to a library to search in a book. Today everything has changed, internet is everywhere, and you can find whatever you want in internet. Smartphones, tablets, computers, cars, technology everywhere, and is making things very easy.  Today there is a new technology that are the new contac lenses:

These contact lenses have integrated circuits that transform the conventional view and would provide superhuman vision to the persons that carry them. Lenses help provide the vision of people with disabilities,  it will create holographic panels for driving control while you are driving, and it will also provide a posibility to enter to internet. Engineering of the University of Washington have used for first time special techniques for manufacturing these contac lenses, they are combining a contact lens that is both biologically safe and flexible and which incorporates an electronic printed circuit and lighting.

These invention is incredible, and the question is: What is next? Technology had consumed people, by the fact that people at everytime is conected with technology, apps like whatsapp, snapchat, facebook, viber, etc, have made that people loose its expression techniques, now you will have all these apps in your vision with these contact lenses, What will come next? Those the future will be people that only is conected by technology and they will not interact with others? Those these concact lenses are a good advance in technology or is very abitious?



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